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How to deal with your first post-divorce breakup

On Behalf of | Dec 5, 2022 | Divorce

Divorce can be heartbreaking for many of the approximately one-third of married people who get divorced. However, many people are surprised by how difficult the first breakup after a divorce can be.

What are some ways you can deal with your first post-divorce breakup?

Use your support network

Family therapy can be helpful for many people who get divorced. If you are not already seeing a therapist, consider making an appointment. Additionally, reaching out to supportive friends and family can help you work through your emotions.

Be objective about the breakup

Many divorced people struggle with confidence and fear that a post-divorce breakup is a sign that they will never find a relationship that will work. Remind yourself that many relationships do not work out for various reasons and it does not mean that there is something wrong with you or that you will never find a good match.

Stick to a routine

A divorce can create a sense of emotional instability for some people. It can be helpful to have at least one habit that you can fall back on as a stabilizing force.

Do something fun

Take some time to enjoy being single. Keep doing whatever activities you enjoyed doing before the breakup.

Avoid consuming media that makes you feel worse

If scrolling through your ex’s social media feed makes you sad or angry, consider taking a break from social media. If watching sad movies makes you sadder, consider putting on a comedy instead.

The trauma of a divorce does not simply disappear when you sign the settlement papers. However, it is important not to let that trauma stop you from moving on with your life.