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Information to help deal with a contentious divorce

On Behalf of | Jan 18, 2023 | Divorce

Even for successful individuals, a divorce can lead to a lot of confusion and questions. A contentious divorce raises the emotional stakes and often results in intense soul-searching.

Any improved clarity on the situation can help you deal with the divorce both while it is happening and in the aftermath.

Solid reasons for a divorce

According to information from Psychology Today, many sound reasons exist to file for divorce. Just acknowledging this fact can allow you to see things more clearly. For example, if your partner could not express positive emotions you might never have the chance for happiness, thus making divorce a reasonable decision.

Victims of physical or emotional abuse might also see marriage as something to get away from. Repeated abuse basically disqualifies a continued relationship with your partner, unless things change immediately. If this is the reason for your divorce, the less time you spend thinking about what you could have done differently puts you in a better place.

A partner who frequently abuses substances, whether drugs or alcohol, also puts you in a nearly hopeless position. Not only will you need to navigate much of life on your own in this relationship,   but you will also need to carry the weight of your partner.

An important question to ask

No matter what stage of separation you find yourself in, it can help to ask one critical question: would you counsel a friend or a son or a daughter to remain in a marriage similar to yours?

The answer might provide you with the necessary clarity to end your marriage or to stop reliving your divorce. Negotiating the best terms out of a bad marriage can lead you to a better life.